Volkswagen Emissions Controversy 

                                                               MAIN ISSUE        
   In recent news there has been a controversy over the emissions of the Volkswagen diesel engine. Which was actually emitting too much Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide for the regulations in the United States. The way they disguised their emissions was a sensor located around the muffler which gave information to the engine. To go into power saving mode and low emitting mode which had the engine continue at lower revs and produce a cleaner sample for the indicator.  
                                                         COMPANY ISSUES
   Since Volkswagen is on of the most accomplished company in Germany and the world. Their customers might not be quick to buy their products after what we've found out about some of their diesel engines. Which they advertised were the cleanest diesels round. Although they are a big company they are not the only ones who are hurting after this incident. Volkswagen's engines are sold all around the world even high performance companies buy from them. Volkswagen also one a large majority of companies like; Audi, Bentley, Lamborghini, Bugatti, etc...
Created by Samson Hou-Seye 12/04/15